We support house builders, developers, Registered Providers, charities and investors to deliver positive change within the housing sector.

Rightsize Consultancy is a niche real estate consultancy that helps its clients deliver strong outcomes within the residential sector. Our experience and track record is broad, meaning we can assist a variety of clients across different aspects of the market. While our website highlights key services, we offer a wider range of solutions and encourage you to contact us for any specific needs. Some of the services we are currently providing to our client-base include:

Registered Provider Registration

Supporting new entrants to the social housing sector by helping organisations to create and secure registration as a Housing Association or ‘for profit’ Registered Provider. Rightsize Consultancy assists house builders, investors and strategic land promoters to secure ‘RP status’ through a challenging regulatory approval process. Entry into the sector offers a range of opportunities and benefits and can act as a natural extension to existing businesses already engaged in the house building sector.

Impact Reporting, Real Estate Research, Data Visualisation and Real Estate Marketing

Our new service offer is based on the changing real estate sector and the emerging opportunities this offers in relation to research and critical analysis. Funders, developers and land promoters that help support the delivery of new homes help to create an array of positive socio-economic impacts. Through our Impact Reporting service offer Rightsize Consultancy helps organisations to articulate the social impact and ESG outcomes of their work and support the communication of this to key stakeholders and customers. This work can help bolster the marketing and social media activity of organisations working within the housing sector, to help drive forward their corporate and social impact objectives.

Strategic Advisory – Products, Processes and Partnerships

Prevailing market conditions mean that it is increasingly difficult for house builders, contractors, investors and charities to operate positively within the residential sector in a viable and effective way. We provide strategic advice to Boards and Executive Teams to help share knowledge and skills from across the market to ensure that land finding capabilities are attuned to latest techniques, to help organisations deliver new products (social housing, retirement living, etc.) or facilitate partnerships with other organisations to help bolster their output.

Land Sourcing, Disposals & Acquisitions

We can provide a brokerage service for different organisations seeking to trade land or development to other organisations in the market.

Pre-Construction Development Management Capacity Support

This Development Management service offer provides cost-effective project support to alleviate capacity ‘pinch-points’ for house builders, land promoters, Housing Associations and other housing providers. Drawing on extensive experience across various aspects of the pre-construction development cycle Rightsize Consultancy can provide project management support or distinct input in a particular phase of a residential-led project. Rightsize Consultancy has acted across various facets of the residential development sector within projects delivering open market sale, social housing (general needs), supported housing and retirement living.

Case Studies

For a summary of our past and current projects please contact us at hello@rightsizeconsultancy.co.uk to request a copy of our corporate brochure.

Please also give our LinkedIn and Instagram pages a follow as we regularly post project updates and key happenings in the sector.